Seeing a dentist regularly can mean finding cavities just as they're forming, so you can have them filled in quickly and protect your teeth from more damage. It can also mean having your mouth examined for signs of gum disease, oral cancer, and the like. However, if you're like many adults, you may put off your regular appointments with a dentist and visit their office only when necessary, if even then. Whether it's the discomfort of dental treatments or the expense that you're avoiding, there are times when you want to set that aside and see a dentist anyway, and perhaps even as soon as possible. 

1. Pain in the back of the jaw line

If you haven't yet gotten in your wisdom teeth, or the molars that grow in the back of the jaw line, this pain can be the result of those teeth trying to come in. They may be impacted, which means there isn't enough room for them between the teeth you already have and the jaw itself. They cannot cut through the gums in this case but continue to grow and push against the skin and other teeth. This can cause discomfort, soreness, and outright pain in this area. Don't overlook this pain, as this can lead to infections if these teeth are not removed.

2. Sores or cuts that don't heal

Sores inside your mouth that don't heal can be any number of issues; this could be oral cancer or oral herpes, or you may have a weakened immune system that doesn't allow oral infections to heal as they should. You may also have teeth that are very much out of alignment or that are chipped or otherwise sharp, and they may be cutting the inside of your cheek consistently. These open sores can harbor germs and bacteria very easily, so they should be checked by a dentist.

3. Morning headaches

Morning headaches can be caused by excessive snoring or grinding your teeth at night. You may also be clenching your jaw while you sleep. All of these can irritate the muscles of the head and neck so that you wake up with soreness and stiffness or any type of morning headache. Your dentist may be able to fit you with a type of mouth guard that keeps your jaw in alignment and stops you from grinding your teeth or clenching the jaw. Not only will this address your headaches, but it can also protect your teeth from erosion that might result from grinding them at night.
