Gum disease is common and can be caused by gingivitis. If you are dealing with gum disease, there are varieties of treatment options. Surgery is a more invasive procedure, but it is often determined to be the most effective option. Gingival flap surgery is the most common surgical procedure used to treat gum disease. Before you choose this treatment option, it is important to fully understand what this procedure entails.

Local Anesthetic

This is a surgical procedure that requires the use of a local anesthetic. In most cases, this can be administered in the dentist's office and does not require you to go to a hospital. The anesthetic that is given is designed to numb the affected area, which includes your entire mouth and gums.

Folding Gums

This procedure involves the folding of your gums. This fold is created to get access to the tissue that is beneath the gums. It is the tissue beneath the gums that is infected and causing the gum disease. The infected tissue that is under the gums and between the teeth needs to be removed in order for the gum disease to eliminated. Once the tissue is removed, all plaque and bacteria must also be removed that exists below the gum line. This is done with the use of tooth scaling. Root planing is also done in order to ensure that all plaque is removed in full. If all the plaque and bacteria is accurately removed, this will lessen the chance of gum disease returning. This procedure is not only a treatment option for gum disease but also preventative in nature.


Since the gums must be cut open in order for the tissue underneath to be removed, this requires the use of stitches to close up the gums. In most cases, the stitches that are used during the Gingival Flap procedure are designed to dissolve. This means that you will not have to undergo another procedure to have the stitches removed, because they will dissolve on their own in time. It is possible that a special dressing will be placed overtop of the gums to promote healing. This dressing is referred to as a periodontal pack and will be removed when your dentist inspects your gums after a few days have passed since your surgery. The pain that you typically suffer from after this surgery is normally described as mild and lasts less than one week, which makes recovery time relatively short.

For more information about this and other dental procedures, contact a general dentistry clinic in your area. 
