When some people think of gingivitis, they tend to believe that it manifests as pus in the gums, loose teeth, abscesses and so on. Therefore, they assume that as long as they are not experiencing any of these extreme symptoms, then their dental health is fine. But this is incorrect. The truth of the matter is that the aforementioned symptoms are indicative of periodontal disease, which is an oral disease that comes about when gingivitis is not treated in time. Gingivitis, on the other hand, may have milder symptoms, but this should not lull you into a false sense of security of thinking that your dental health is fine. Instead, the moment you notice that something is off-kilter, it is imperative that you see a dentist so that you are not at risk of developing periodontitis. To help you with that, here are some early signs of gingivitis that should send you to the dentist.

Chronic halitosis

The sudden onset of chronic bad breath should never be taken lightly, as it is usually signalling an underlying oral condition that needs to be dealt with. When your oral hygiene is not up to par, your mouth becomes a haven for bacteria. As the bacteria infect your gums and lead to gingivitis, you develop halitosis for a couple of reasons. For starters, as the bacteria digest the protein attached to your teeth and gums, they release volatile sulphur compounds, which is an offensive-smelling gas that will lead to bad breath. Secondly, as long as the bacteria are not eliminated, the higher the risk of pus oozing out of your gums, and this also contributes to the foul-smelling breath. The moment you notice that brushing your teeth and rinsing with mouthwash does not help improve your breath, it is vital to see a dentist for early treatment of gingivitis.

Gum recession

If you do not seek medical intervention at the beginning of a bacterial infection in your gums, it leaves room for it to worsen. The longer the soft tissue is infected, the more damaged it becomes. As a result, you will notice that your gum line changing by pulling away from your teeth. A misconception that some patient share is that this recession will be distinctive, but this is not the case. Rather, it happens at a slow but gradual pace. Hence, it is your responsibility to inspect your teeth and gums regularly and take note of any changes. Over time, you might even notice that the base of the roots of your teeth is coming into view. If gum recession is not treated in time, your dentist may need to use a graft to rehabilitate the degradation of the protective soft tissue.
